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How to Capture Photograph in Nepali Wedding

How can I take pictures during a wedding in Nepal?

Before answering the question, the reader and photographer friends must already be informed about the most important thing that a photographer should understand. A Nepali wedding is a ceremony and a ritual of cultural significance in which every community of caste and religion has its own customs, traditions, and behavior. Therefore, if the photographer is going to the Nepali wedding ceremony of that community, then it is very important to understand the rituals first. Another thing is that it is necessary for the photographer to get to know and understand the families of both the bride and the groom first in this joyous and important ceremony where all the families of the whole family gather. The photographer takes these things as normal and will know when he works later. Usually, these two important parts are not taken separately. The photographer needs to have a full understanding of the ceremony. It is very important for the photographer to get to know the whole family of the bride and groom, as it helps the photographer click better pictures.
While reading this article, I first ask the reader to imagine the moments when they went to a wedding ceremony. Remember that today one of your customers or one of your brothers is getting married, and you have to arrive at his house at 7 o'clock in the morning. Some are cooking tea in the kitchen, some are talking, the grandfather and grandmother are drinking tea, the groom's sister is putting on makeup, the groom's father is telling the man to play the instrument, and the groom's brother-in-law is waiting for the bridegroom. In the same way, the groom is with his friends in his room to get dressed while he is going to manage the puja in the puja room while someone is busy making the gifts. In these various aspects, i.e., the events that are going on in every wedding, when the photographer reaches the place, he is taking pictures of the groom. In addition, they are going around the groom; they are also taking pictures of them, whether they are dressed or not, but I also want to tell you that we are the photographers, and we are obliged to encourage them to take pictures with their elderly parents and mothers. Where should the groom be taken?  The photographer has to create a fun atmosphere and take pictures as much as possible by encouraging and motivating the main family members of the groom and gathering them in their rooms to take photos.  the photographer should also consult with Pandit about the site beforehand, establish a relationship with Pandit with ease, and take the leadership skills of the program into his own hands with the consent of Pandit  Since everyone is not able to deny his talk, he should be a little clever, be friendly with them beforehand, and also understand the customs of that family.
From the article so far, the reader have been able to understand these main points
1. Good identification between photographer and family
2. Collaboration with Pandit Ba
3: Knowledge of customs and culture
Now, when we leave the bridegroom's house after accompanying the groom along with the people, it is very important that we know the bride's wedding house, party palace, etc. and arrive in advance. When we get there, we need to follow up on a number of things.
1: Knowledge about the situation and location
2: Knowledge about the bride's family
3: Coordinating with other counterpart photographers who are there
4. Timely use of the accompanying tools
5: Some of their creativity, strategies, and activities to make more future customers from that place