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Convert Old Film Negatives to Digital Photos

How to Convert Old Film Negatives

Today, through this general article, I am informing all Nepali photographers and fans of digital photos about making digital photos of film negatives. Through this article, you can easily make your old negatives digital, and I will also give information to business friends about what to do to make more excellent and big parts.


1-First download KODAK Mobile Film Scanner - Apps on Google Play on your mobile

2- Prepare your old negatives Old Film Negatives

3- Make the display of your other mobile white and full light

4- Place the said negative in the mobile phone as shown in the picture below.

5-Now, click on the color negative from the app that you have downloaded before and adjust the light and temperature to capture the photo and then add it to the photo.



Now you can paste and print the page made in this way on social networks.

Now, I will inform you about how professional friends can make the best out of this process

1- Put a negative on a white chip as shown above

2- Capture the negative with the Raw file format of your professional DSLR camera.

3-After that, you have to import the said file into the software

4-You are providing professional services by making the AI software platform used here excellent

Hope this general article has benefited them