How much does wedding Photography cost in Kathmandu ?
the most affordable wedding photography Wedding photography starts at Rs 15000 and goes up to Rs 45000 or more for a full day. The experience of the photographer, skill level, knowledge of time, experience of the wedding ceremony, ability to take pictures of the guests and family at what time, etc., as well as their contribution to the program, etc., also make a difference in the price.
How much is your wedding photography package suitable for Bride & Groom ?
If only edited digital copies are available to the bride and groom, then it is suitable to take the service of Rs. 15000. If you want to take a Karizma photo book album and a normal 4/6in photo album, it is appropriate to take the photography service, which costs Rs. 45000. Because of this service, we are sure that everyone who comes to the house will feel new when looking at the albums, so according to their budget, there is also a service with normal albums for Rs 20,000.