Permanent resident visa photos for Canada

NPR 300 400

Canada Visa photo Service in Kathmandu

  • Studio Location:     Dhapasi-6, Near Dhapasi krishna Mandir
  • Number of photo:     2 Copy
  • Type of service:       Photography,photo printing, scanning, and stamp with signature

What is a biometric photo

For documents such as passports, residency permits, and applications, a biometric photograph is created in compliance with international standards. Since 2006, they have operated. Photos of you cut out of group shots, casual poses, photoshopped images, or selfies won't be accepted.

  • the face is squarely in front of the camera, expression neutral (no smiles), and facing straight ahead.
  • monochrome background—the best colors are grey or light grey
  • absence of shadows in the background or on the face

It is always a good idea to keep a collection of your biometric pictures on hand when residing in Turkey. Almost every application you submit will require them. Photographers can take pictures for you or print them from their computers; you can find them practically anywhere.

Photography for Canada Biometric

Keep in mind:

  • Check your application guide. It will tell you how many photos you require for your application.

  • You must provide identical and unaltered photographs.

  • Photos may be in colour or black and white.

  • Photos must be original and not altered in any way or taken from an existing photograph.

  • Taken by a commercial photographer.

  • 50 mm wide X 70 mm high (2 inches wide x 2- 3/4 inches long) and sized so the height of the face measures between 31 mm (1- 1/4 inches) and 36 mm (1- 7/16 inches) from chin to crown of head (natural top of head).

  • Clear, sharp and in focus.

  • Taken with a neutral facial expression (eyes open and clearly visible, mouth closed, no smiling).

  • Taken with uniform lighting and not show shadows, glare or flash reflections.

  • Taken straight on, with face and shoulders centered and squared to the camera (i.e. the photographs must show the full front view of the person’s head and shoulders, showing full face centered in the middle of the photograph).

  • Taken in front of a plain, un-textured and white background with a clear difference between your face and the background. Photos must reflect/represent natural skin tones.

  • Original photos that are not altered in any way or taken from an existing photo.

    What is an altered photo?

  • Reflect your current appearance (taken within the last twelve months)

  • Professionally printed on plain, high quality photographic paper (photos printed at home and photos printed on heavy weight paper are not acceptable)

The back of one photo must include:

  • the subject’s name and date of birth

  • the name and complete address of the photography studio

  • the date the photograph was taken

The photographer may use a stamp or handwrite this information. Stick-on labels are unacceptable.

For digital photos, this information can be provided in one separate document including a confirmation from the photo studio (i.e. receipt).

Additional details for digital photos:

The photograph must be:

  • in JPEG or PNG format;

  • measurements must be between 715x1000 and 2000x2800 pixels;

  • file size must 4 MB or less;

  • a scanned photo (don’t take a picture of a paper photo with your digital camera or phone).

The photographer may use a stamp or handwrite this information. Stick-on labels are unacceptable.

Extra details

  • Glasses may be worn in photos as long as the eyes are clearly visible and there is no glare in the glasses.

  • Sunglasses and tinted eye glasses are unacceptable.

  • Photos with the red-eye effect or red eye alterations are unacceptable.

  • Hats and head coverings must not be worn, unless they are worn daily for religious beliefs or medical reasons. However, your full face must be clearly visible and the head covering must not cast any shadows on your face.

  • Your hair can be down.

  • Shadows are not acceptable. Lighting must be uniform to avoid shadows across the face or shoulders, around the ears or in the background.

Child photos

  • Child photos must follow the same rules indicated above.

  • Photos must show the child's head and shoulders only. Parent's or child's hands must not appear in the photo.

  • We recognize the difficulty in obtaining a neutral expression of a newborn and will allow for some minor variations in this regard.

  • For newborn babies, the photo may be taken while the child is sitting in a car seat, as long as a white blanket is placed over the seat behind the child's head. There must be no shadows on the face or shoulders, around the ears or in the background.