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Polaroid phone case photo price

Polaroid phone case photo price

Price NPR 25 25

Phone Case Photo Price

You can now print your favourite photos that fit well into your phone case. While doing Polaroid prints, the following points are to be noted:

1. Dimension of the phone—so that the photo will fit well in the phone case.

2. You can also add a message or some text below the photo according to your desire.

3. We need to make sure that you have a clear phone case so that the photo will be clearly visible.

4. Generally, it is preferred to put photos of our loved ones as well as our friends with whom we have shared beautiful memories.

5. You can also replace the photos time and again to refresh your memories with your loved ones as well as get a change in your phone case.

NOTE: All kinds of smart phones are preferred for such prints.

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