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USA Passport, Visa, and Photo ID, 2 x 2 inches

USA Passport, Visa, and Photo ID, 2 x 2 inches

Price NPR 200

US Online Passport photo  

If you get 2 copy for Rs 150, then extra 2 more copy will cost extra Rs 100

Don'ts: (Wear glasses, open your mouth to smile, crop the picture, focus only on your head, wear a white shirt or top, cover your head unless it's necessary for religious purposes, wear uniforms). Take your picture in an area with good lighting.
Place yourself in front of a light-colored or white backdrop.

  • Steer clear of caps, hats, and eyewear.
  • Don't wear white or light coloured shirts or tops; instead, wear darker hues.
  • Instead of taking a selfie, ask someone for assistance. To make sure your shoulders are straight, do this.

After you're happy, attach your photo to your order, and we'll handle the final editing.Print your pictures and have them mailed to your address.